So you’ve managed to wander into this strange site on the interwebs, and you probably wander what the hell this is? I don’t blame you! Most of the time I’m not quite sure myself. If you’ve read the About page, you’ve learned a little bit about me. You’ve probably also understood that english is my second language, so the language will be a bit roough around the edges at times.
I started this site because I read that a personal website could be a good way to promote yourself and to show off your work. I still believe this, but I didn’t quite realize the dedication it would take to actually maintain this site and push out content. The site stalled for a few years, only to be updated with short posts that was more like personal notes for myself than something I felt could show of my hard work and knowledge.
Honestly, part of the reason why I postpone writing here is that I feel a bit insecure about making absolute statements, because once it is online, they never go away. I’ve been afraid to be wrong and to have to deal with being wrong. It’s a bit like the saying:
“It’s better to shut up and let people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and prove it!”
However, this mindset holds me back, and I need to work on my confidence and presentation skills, so by adding content to this site and hopefully creating other kinds of products and contents later on I will exercise myself to create better content, trust myself more and learn to cope with failure.

I’m listening to Tim Ferriss podcast while writing this, and one tip that he got from Jocko Willink was that “if you want to be tougher, be tougher”. What I take from that tip is that you shouldn’t wait until everything magically falls into place. Act the way you want to be, and watch yourself become that person! If I’m gonna get good at anything I better put in the work to get there! Train as you fight! If you don’t know who Jocko Willink is, check out his podcast, but the short version is that he is a retired navy seal that specialize in leadership through extreme ownership. Highly recommended!
Anyways, my point is that writing on this site gives me an outlet for my thoughts and views, a place to display my achievements and a place to hopefully give a little of myself to those who want to read and listen. I will constantly try to improve on myself and this site, so any tips and ideas are very welcome! Also, if you know of anything you think I should try out (and then write about), don’t hesitate to contact me!